Major Project: Update Nov. 26

Achieving Student Success: Native Studies 10 Unit (incorporating digital and media literacy) Writing a unit based on curriculum outcome with digital/media literacy indicators is the focus of my EC&I 832 final project. I am near completion of the outcomes I want to include in the Community & Kinship unit project and am writing the portionContinue reading “Major Project: Update Nov. 26”

Week #9: Challenges of literacy in a “fake news” world

At times, I long for an old school textbook! I was educated in the classroom where lessons were presented from the pages of, say an old Understanding Science book series (Sampson Low Pub, 1960) and a teacher that was well informed (prepped) to teach us about the Bunsen Burner, plate tectonics or the compound microscope.Continue reading “Week #9: Challenges of literacy in a “fake news” world”

Update: Major Project due Dec. 12

As we get nearer to the date of submitting our projects, I am a mix of excitement and anxiety. Excitement that I get to share my passion for teaching First Nations content and engaging this online community with some resources. Anxiety with presenting in a digitally-created way. I am learning with my students – IContinue reading “Update: Major Project due Dec. 12”

Major Project EC&I832

My project will be to embed media literacies into my favorite Native Studies 10 unit: #2 Community & Kinship. I like the content of Aboriginal worldviews, traditional education, the role of families and languages. Students are guided to reflect on the universal experiences of First Nation, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) peoples traditional survival on theContinue reading “Major Project EC&I832”

Week 6: Digital Identity & Citizenship

Reflecting on my personal use of technology and evaluating my personal digital citizenship this week! My introduction to technology use was a land line telephone, television, radio, cassette tapes and typewriters. Yes, I am a baby boomer! Fast forward to the digital age today where all my communication is by cell phone and laptop computer.Continue reading “Week 6: Digital Identity & Citizenship”

Week #4: Digital Citizenship

This weeks inquiry question asks us to take an evaluative look at the 9 Element of Digital Citizenship (Ribble, 2007). When I consider the suggested framework that can be used to identify current areas of need/support to implement technology, I see important areas that need attention in our school. Access: Internet/wifi is widely available inContinue reading “Week #4: Digital Citizenship”

Week #3 Digital Natives

What defines a learner? Someone who learns a subject or skill, to gain knowledge; by studying, practicing or being taught ( Classrooms are the traditional platform for learnings, for an exchange of information, directed by teachers with content specific lessons. These physical aspects (the old ways) are now integrating technological devices that assist the learner.Continue reading “Week #3 Digital Natives”

Week #1. The medium is the message

Week 2 began with examining how students use technology and wifi as the media for self expression. Federman talks about the consequences of media/new technology as new changes and the cause/effect of technology. Do we consider the effects of technology on students and learning, or do we react after the fact? Times have changed forContinue reading “Week #1. The medium is the message”