Major Project EC&I832

My project will be to embed media literacies into my favorite Native Studies 10 unit: #2 Community & Kinship. I like the content of Aboriginal worldviews, traditional education, the role of families and languages. Students are guided to reflect on the universal experiences of First Nation, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) peoples traditional survival on the land that creates kinship bonds and builds community. A key understanding in this unit is the commonality of Canada’s diverse, geographically separated FNMI communities in relation to the land. Searching for and finding a common voice is where media literacies and information/communication technologies can be beneficial to the learners as they create artefacts that link the diverse voices.

I will investigate how media resources, such as AI Chat GPT, Canva, Jamboard, Youtube and other presentation software, can assist students to explore how media can create artefacts from their research.

This major project encourages me to work more with technology. I hope to create unit resources that I can use next semester. Things will probably change as I work through this process, but I feel motivated because of my passion for FN education. Thank You! Megweech!

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